AMCO is an association under the Law of July 1, 1901, recognized as being of general interest in 2019. It is a member of the French Federation of Societies of Friends of Museums and of the Regional Group of Associations of Friends of Museums of Normandy.

Created in 2017, the association's purpose is to:

  • Promote the influence of the Conches en Ouche Museums (François Décorchemont glass museum, Rouloir museum and Normandy geological treasures museum / Pierre Conchoise museum)
  • Contribute to their development
  • Organize cultural events, such as exhibitions, conferences, guided tours, for the attention of its members 
  • Finance the rehabilitation of works requiring restoration 
  • Participate in the acquisition of objects or works 
  • Intended to enrich the collections


AMCO offers 4 types of membership:

  • Single member: €20
  • Couple: €30
  • Single member and benefactor: €30
  • Couple and benefactor: €40
  • Donor: free amount


These memberships offer members different benefits:

  • Free entry to the Conches museums
  • Invitations to exhibition openings
  • Donations of certain exhibition catalogs
  • Information on all museum activities
  • Preferential rates for association activities
  • Privilege visits


Le Val - 25 rue Paul Guilbaud, 27190 Conches

Présidente : Charlaine JAMAULT

Tél. : 06 32 03 21 79

Site web: