Isabelle Monod appartient à la génération d’artistes-artisans qui a participé au renouveau du verre français des années 1980.

Isabelle MONOD (Née à Genève, 1945)
Petit temple rouge et du bleu
Verre soufflé, modelé, cailloux
H. 54 ; L. 45 ; P. 16 cm
Inscription I. Monod 1994 XXIII
Inv. MV. 2020.6.1.
Don Lucien Thérain
Self-taught in the field of glass which she discovered with her husband, Claude Monod, who in 1976 set up a hot glass workshop in the Nice hinterland, Isabelle Monod belongs to the generation of artist-artisans who knew renewing French glass creation from the 1980s. While looking for effects of material, texture and color in the glass, she developed a sculptural approach based on the creation of small blown and hot-modeled volumes sometimes containing internal decorations of bubbles of color, which she stacks in balance to form architectural compositions, like this Petit temple rouge et du bleu created in 1994. Before being offered by a collector from Rouen, who acquired it from the Complément d'objet gallery in 1994, during the artist's exhibition at the Hôtel de Région in Rouen, this sculpture was also presented in two personal exhibitions by Isabelle Monod, organized at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Nice, in 1995, and at the Glass Museum of Conches, in 2011.
1994 - Isabelle Monod. Hôtel de Région, Rouen.
1995 - Isabelle Monod. Musée d'art moderne et contemporain, Nice.
2011 - Isabelle Monod - 35 ans de verre. Musée du Verre, Conches (5 mars - 18 septembre 2011).
Isabelle Monod. Catalogue d'exposition, Ed. Hôtel de région, Rouen, 1995.
Isabelle Monod - 35 ans de verre. Catalogue d'exposition. Ed. Musée du Verre, Conches, 2011, p. 22.
LOUET Eric, Acquisitions 2020-2021, Notice d'oeuvre n°32, La Revue des musées de France 2002-2, Ed. RMN 2022, p. 24.