Groupama Patronage 2024

Groupama Patronage 2024

On Thursday, November 28, Groupama offered the François Décorchemont Glass Museum a glass vase by Auguste Jean, in the presence of Mr. Gobert, Deputy Mayor in charge of cultural affairs for the city of Conches, Mr. Aubin, President of the local agency and Mr. Louet, Director of the museum.

Glass vase by Auguste Jean

On September 7, 2024, the local agency of Groupama, in Conches, had the opportunity to privatize certain areas of the museum in the morning in order to offer its members a special visit, followed by a lunch cocktail. In return, Groupama decided to offer the museum a glass vase by Auguste Jean (1829-1896), dating from the 1880s, which the institution wished to acquire from the Parisian gallery Choses et autres choses, to complete its collections of Japanese glassware. The vase was presented to the museum on November 28.