Antoine Leperlier

Shaping time

Authors : Christian Gobert, Eric Louet

Published : 2024

Type : Exhibition catalogue

Editor : Musée du Verre de Conches

Number of pages : 80 pages

Dimensions : 22 x 32 cm

Language :  Français

ISBN : 978-2-95256886-3-5

Price : 12 €

Summary : For over forty years, Antoine Leperlier's work has been marked by technical and empirical research into lost-wax pâte de verre and casting with the aim of showing that he believes this material is particularly well suited to expressing the plastic dimension of time. From this point of view, he tackles themes that have marked the history of Western art. Whether his works take the form of sculptures or kind of glass paintings, whether they are figurative or abstract, they are always the result of a close correlation between the material and the concept of time.Through a selection of sixty works, the exhibition will present a retrospective of the different stages in this artistic approach, punctuated by several themes.


Antoine Leperlier