
When you become a donor, you’re one of the museum’s active players who helps it expand.

All contributions are useful

In addition to public funding, the Conches Glass Museum calls upon the generosity of its donors, as without this essential income, many of our projects would not be possible.
Thanks to donors, the museum’s collections have considerably increased over the past few years.
All contributions are useful, as they allow the museum to fulfil its cultural missions for all sorts of publics whilst remaining a lively, modern, and intellectual venue, one that is open to the population.
When you donate to the Museum, you help us increase our collections and allow the transmission of this heritage to the future generations.

Please note

Existing tax mechanisms allow the general public to deduct up to 66% of the amount donated, limited to 20% of their taxable income.



*Tax reduction valid only for French households, based on a 66% reduction in taxes paid, limited to 20% of taxable income.

How can I donate?

Donations start at 100 euros.

If you’d like to donate, please write a cheque to the order of Trésor Public, at the following address:

Musée du Verre - Route de Sainte Marguerite - 27190 CONCHES

Don’t forget to give us your contact information so that we can send you a tax deduction receipt (valid only for those who live in France).

Please contact us if you’d like more information: