The François Décorchemont glass museum was labeled “musée de France” in 2002. This is a designation intended to bring together French museums in the perspective of a major public museum service.

Label Museum of France

Mission of museums labeled Musée de France

  • conserve, restore, study and enrich their collections;
  • make their collections accessible to the widest audience;
  • design and implement education and dissemination actions aimed at ensuring equal access to culture for all;
  • contribute to the progress of knowledge and research as well as their dissemination.

The museum must “be directed by scientific staff from the territorial or national cultural sector (curator or conservation officer).

A museum in France signs an agreement with the State, which provides it with advice and expertise and towards which it has obligations. The museums of France are subject to the scientific and technical control of the State and their scientific missions must be carried out by qualified professionals.

The collections of the Museums of France

They are subject to registration on an inventory. They are reassessed every ten years.

The assets constituting the collections of French museums are part of the public domain and are, as such, inalienable. Any decision to declassify one of these properties can only be taken after obtaining the approval of the High Council of Museums of France. Any transfer of all or part of a collection of a French museum made in violation of these provisions is void and actions for nullity or claims filed by their owner or the State are imprescriptible. 

Created in 1996, the Commission for the proofing of works of art deposits organizes the proofing operations of works of art deposits and is associated with the implementation of the ten-year proofing.

Logo musée de France

Entrance fees for French museums are set in such a way as to promote access to the widest possible public.

Each museum in France has a department responsible for welcoming the public, dissemination, entertainment and cultural mediation, with the obligation to produce a scientific and cultural project every five years. Since July 8, 2016, museums labeled “Musée de France” have been required to conduct guided tours with a professional guide-lecturer.

Tourism Quality Label

logo du label Qualité tourisme Normandie

Led by Eric LOUET, director of the museum and with the participation of his team, the François Décorchemont glass museum implemented an action plan following its pre-audit carried out by the CCI Normandy and obtained the “Normandy Quality Tourism –” label. Place of visit” in June 2024.

Out of around 300 criteria, he obtained a score of 88.48%

Created in 2001, “Normandie Qualité Tourisme” is an initiative financed by the Region, actively supported by the CCI (Chambers of Commerce and Industry) and whose brand belongs to the Regional Tourism Committee.

The first territorial approach recognized by the State, this label is aimed at tourism professionals who wish to progress in their quality approach. It is not only a process of progress within the establishment, a guarantee of confidence for the consumer, but also a promotional tool for tourism stakeholders.

Listed in the Lonely Planet guide

Autocollant Lonely Planet

Following the visit of an author from the Lonely Planet guide, during his field investigation work, the François Décorchemont glass museum was selected in the new edition of the Explore the region - Normandy guide.