Supported by the State and the Normandy Region, the City of Conches is committed to a project to transfer the Glass Museum to the site of the former Conches Abbey, 25 rue Paul Guilbaud, 27190 Conches.

Estimated at 3 million euros, this investment aims to strengthen the economic and tourist development of the region, to provide a cultural, heritage and social offer to its inhabitants and to allow the museum to develop by presenting its collections.

Following a call for tenders launched in 2017, the Parisian architecture agency Dubois & Associés was entrusted with project management to restructure one of the buildings of the city's former hospice and adapt it to the functions of the museum, with several experiences in this field (Lorrain Museum in Nancy, Toulouse-Lautrec Museum in Albi, Museum of Fine Arts in Limoges, etc.).

The new glass museum was inaugurated on June 25, 2022.

On this occasion, it was renamed the François Décorchemont Glass Museum.

Press articles on the project