The project of the new Glass museum
The City of Conches, supported by the French State and the Region of Normandy, has undertaken a vast project to transfer the Glass Museum to the site of the former abbey in Conches. This investment, estimated at 3 million euros, aims to strengthen our local economic development and attractivity for tourists, increase the cultural, patrimonial and social offer for our inhabitants, as well as allowing the museum to expand and present more of its collections.
Following a public tender launched in 2017, the Parisian architectural cabinet Dubois & Associés won the bid as the prime contractor to restore one of the buildings on the site and adapt it to functions of a museum. Already enjoying extensive experience in this field, (Lorrain Museum in Nancy, Toulouse-Lautrec Museum in Albi, Fine-Arts Museum in Limoge), architects from the agency are already working hand-in-hand with our municipal services so that the new museum will be ready to open in spring 2022.